Tänä viikonloppuna ilmeisesti kaikilla muilla paitsi minulla on ollut päivät bookattuna – ehdotin nimittäin kahdeksalle (!) eri kaverilleni näkemistä tänä viikonloppuna ja kaikilla oli jo jotain sovittuja menoja. Toisaalta minullekin täysin aikatauluttamaton lauantai ja sunnuntai ovat harvinaista herkkua eli niistä pitäisi osata nauttia täysin aikataulutetun arjen jälkeen. Kaltaiselleni aktiivisen sosiaaliselle jokapaikanhöylälle tekemättömyys ja laiskottelu ovat kuitenkin haastavia eli tulee lähes pakonomainen tarve keksiä jotain aktiviteetteja.
Palasin torstaina kesälomalta takaisin töihin eli alkuviikko meni vielä lomaillessa esimerkiksi ystävän kanssa lounastaessa, Isabellan koulun vanhempainillassa, ekaluokkalaista kouluun saattaessa ja Helsingin käräjäoikeudessa lautamiehenä tuomaroidessa.
Tässä muutama viime ajan kuva työasuista, joissa olen ensin ollut tuomaroimassa oikeudessa ennen toimistolle menoa.
Mekko: H&M, jakku: Ralph Lauren, laukku: Louis Vuitton, kello: Guess, korkkarit: Nelly
Dress: H&M, blazer: Ralph Lauren, bag: Louis Vuitton, watch: Guess, pumps: Nelly
Mekko: Mexx, jakku: H&M, laukku: Prada, kello: Guess, korkkarit: Nelly
Dress: Mexx, blazer: H&M, bag: Prada, watch: Guess, pumps: Nelly
Ikinä ei tiedä ketä oikeustalon pihalla (itse istuntoja ei tietysti voi kommentoida julkisesti lainkaan) tapaa: tällä kertaa Jukka Pojan ja Helvetin Enkeleitä, mutta en uskaltanut ottaa kuvaa jälkimmäisten kanssa. :D Isabella on suuri Jukka Poika-fani, joten hänelle oli otettava fanikuva.
Niin ovat helteiset kesälomapäivät jäätelön syönteineen vaihtuneet ekaluokkalaisellakin koulussa käyntiin, mutta onneksi pikkuneiti on todella innostunut uuden oppimisesta. Aika juoksee hurjaa vauhtia, sillä tiistaina vauvani täyttää jo seitsemän vuotta, apua!
Nyt lähden viemään Isabellaa ystävälleen leikkitreffeille, jonka ajaksi itse kirmaan lenkille auringonpaisteeseen. Mukavaa sunnuntain jatkoa kaikille!
Apparently everyone had this weekend booked except me: I asked eight (!) of my friends if we could meet this weekend and everyone had both Saturday and Sunday full already. It is rather rare for me to have weekend totally free and unplanned and I know that I should enjoy of this rare treat more, but I cannot help myself: I am active and social so two days totally unplanned and nothing to do makes me nearly anxious.
This week on Thursday I returned to work after a summer holiday so the beginning of the week was still casual: met a friend over a lunch, escorted my daughter to school and back, had her school's parents evening-meeting and did judging as lay judge at the district court of Helsinki. You never know who you will meet there by the court house yard: this week I saw popular Finnish musician Jukka Poika and Hells Angels but did not dare to take a photo with the latter ones. Isabella is a huge fan of Jukka Poika, so naturally I had to take a picture for her.
Above are some work outfits in which I have gone to the court to judge and then headed to the office. Isabella's relaxed summer holiday days with beach life and eating ice cream have changed to school days at 1st grade, but fortunately she is very excited pupil. Now I am taking her for a play date to her friend and going for a run myself. Have a nice Sunday everyone!
Apparently everyone had this weekend booked except me: I asked eight (!) of my friends if we could meet this weekend and everyone had both Saturday and Sunday full already. It is rather rare for me to have weekend totally free and unplanned and I know that I should enjoy of this rare treat more, but I cannot help myself: I am active and social so two days totally unplanned and nothing to do makes me nearly anxious.
This week on Thursday I returned to work after a summer holiday so the beginning of the week was still casual: met a friend over a lunch, escorted my daughter to school and back, had her school's parents evening-meeting and did judging as lay judge at the district court of Helsinki. You never know who you will meet there by the court house yard: this week I saw popular Finnish musician Jukka Poika and Hells Angels but did not dare to take a photo with the latter ones. Isabella is a huge fan of Jukka Poika, so naturally I had to take a picture for her.
Above are some work outfits in which I have gone to the court to judge and then headed to the office. Isabella's relaxed summer holiday days with beach life and eating ice cream have changed to school days at 1st grade, but fortunately she is very excited pupil. Now I am taking her for a play date to her friend and going for a run myself. Have a nice Sunday everyone!